
Showing posts from December, 2019

Dilemmas of Rulers

This afternoon Tigers have been considering dilemmas that rulers of the past had to face. They put themselves in the position of Qin Shi Huang to decide how to stop fighting in China as well as whether to build The Great Wall of China. They considered the differing advice that his advisors may have given him as well as the moral dilemmas. Olivia said “I think he should build the wall but get everybody in China to help so that they come together and forget about the fighting.” They then put themselves in the position of Queen Elizabeth I to decide how to sort out anger between Protestants and Catholics as well as whether to get married and have children to inherit the throne. The children had incredibly thoughtful and informed discussions and disagreed well, showing respect for each other. They all agreed that the decisions were very difficult.

Famous artists

Tigers looked at the paintings of L S Lowry yesterday. They spotted that his paintings included a lot of buildings, factories and people. We created a whole class piece of artwork to reflect Lowry’s style.


This afternoon we were joined by Flagg nursery to watch Jack’s a Giant adventure.  We loved welcoming to the nursery children to our school and are so pleased they enjoyed the performance as much as we did.  

Infant Nativity

We are so proud of all of our infant children for the spectacular performances of Hey Ewe that they put on both last night and this afternoon. They have worked so hard at learning lines and songs and we're very grateful for all of the hard work that everybody has put in. They have shown enthusiasm and joy as well as marking themselves as true performers! Look at those smiles!

Adding 2 digit numbers

We found different ways to add 2 digit numbers including adding the tens first then the ones and the column method.