
Showing posts from May, 2023

Derby Open Centre Trip

 What an incredible day in Derby today. We were all so very proud of our wonderful Taddington children for their superb behaviour and the true respect that they showed in each place of worship.  We were shown around each place of worship by someone who either practices, or who is knowledgeable in, that faith. They taught us so much about their faiths and the children asked many thoughtful questions.  Mosque Hindu Temple Sikh Gurdwara Derby and the Open Centre 

Digital Media- Song Making

As part of our Computing topic 'Digital Media', we have been learning about how people create music. We have listened to music created by famous composers and thought of ways as to how this music was created. We then talked about how we can change music in relation to tempo, rhythm and pitch. We explored this further using 'Chrome Music Lab' to experiment with different sounds.  We then had a go at creating our own pieces of music on 'Chrome Music Lab', we changed the pitch and tempo to create different patterns and rhythms.  Chrome Music Lab (

Human impacts on habitats

  As part of our Science topic 'Animal survival' we have been discussing if  humans harm or help habitats.  The children thought of ways in which humans can sometimes destroy habitats when constructing, using chemicals, polluting and littering. We  then came  up  with positive steps we can take to support our local habitats.  We decided that there are things that we can do in our local environment to support habitats such as: litter picking, planting wild flowers, making bird feeders and building habitats for the animals in school grounds.