Good morning you terrible Tigers

Hello Tigers, it’s Thursday, so it’s me, Miss Furness.

Has everyone chosen their lunch yet? I fancy red choice today.

I hope everyone is well. I have thoroughly enjoying seeing what you have all been busy learning, particularly the outdoor activities. Send me an email or drop pictures into your folders with the things you have been doing today, I can’t wait to see.

It’s forest school this afternoon, have you all remembered your wellies? What are you going to create or do this afternoon? I fancy going on a bug hunt in my garden later.

I thought I'd share this picture with you of Margot, she has loved walking in the sunshine and is  always making mischief.

Have a super day everyone, can't wait to see what you've been doing later. Don't forget your 9am workout with Joe.

Stay safe and look after each other.

Miss Furness


  1. Layla says “We have forest school everyday now, and I love making mud pies. What did you make at forest school Miss Furness?”.

    1. Forest schools every day sounds like my kind of week. What is your specialty in the mud pie department Layla? I have been inspired by Isabel and Samuel's bird feeders so I'm going to make my own and start to re-wild areas of my garden to encourage more wildlife over the next few weeks. Looking to hearing what you make today. Keep me posted.

      Miss F


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