What's been going on?

I hope you've all had another lovely day in the sunshine. We have been incredibly lucky to have had such good weather this week.

Lots of you have been in touch to let me know you have been working hard on the home learning tasks, which is fantastic, as well as being creative outdoors.

Here are a few examples of the things the infants have been learning today.

Ted's shapes in the garden, great stuff Ted. 

George has been lots of games to help with his reading and writing and is looking forward to getting started with NumBots.

Bea has shared her SPAG activity from earlier in the week. Well done Bea, this is a lovely piece of work. She has also been busy helping in the garden, riding her pony and playing in the mud kitchen. What a great week you've had.

It's moments like this when I turn into an emotional wreck. Thank you so much for this Robert. I miss you all dearly and can't wait for us all to be back together again soon.

I hope you have a lovely weekend everyone. 

Stay safe and look after each other.

Miss Furrness


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