Pirate maps and making our own compasses

We have had a wonderfully busy day of making and doing today. This afternoon we returned to our pirate topic and continued our map and compass skills that we looked at last week. 

The children remembered the compass directions and where North was in relation to our playground. We then used magnets to magnetize pins, ensuring that we only stroked them in one direction. The pins then balanced on slices of cork in a tray of water and the children were very excited to see them spin to face North. Many of the children wanted to continue with this at home, so you can find instructions here (with the cork) or you could try it with a leaf by going to Mountain Leopard Training  (day 27 Forest School at Home).

The children also made their own pirate island maps this afternoon. They considered why pirates might like to be on islands, including that they are surrounded by water and that there might not be any people around to catch them stealing. They then made their maps look old by tea-staining them.

Another great day full of positivity and enthusiasm!
Mrs C


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