Enterprising Tigers (Maths Week England)

Maths Week England - Enterprise Task

Planning stage (English and Maths)

Last week, during Maths Week England, Tigers planned an enterprise task to raise money for an audio book player for our class (Yoto Player). Lemonade was our most popular vote so we decided that this would be our main focus. The Year 2 children wrote a letter to Mr Handley asking if we could borrow £1 for each pupil in our class in order to buy the ingredients we would need. They then worked out how much we thought we might need to make and multiplied the ingredients in the recipes to create a shopping list. We costed up the ingredients and found that we had money left to make another product as well which might increase our profits. The children voted for fairy cakes.

Making stage (Maths, English and Science)

On Tuesday this week, we made our lemonade and fairy cakes. We are very proud of the way the children applied themselves to this; their enthusiasm, care and thought for every element of the process was simply fantastic. The children's eagerness to learn was also wonderful to see, and there was so much learning that took place. 

In the making of both of our products, the children learned about the importance of food hygiene as well as safety when using tools such (child-safe) knives. The children read the recipes and weighed out ingredients. 

When making the lemonade, the children conducted an experiment, investigating whether sugar dissolved faster in hot water or cold water. The children made predictions then made thoughtful observations throughout the experiment. The results showed that the sugar dissolved faster in hot water, and it also dissolved faster when stirred. 

When making the fairy cakes, the children observed how the batter changed state when heated, from a liquid to a solid.

Selling Stage (Maths)
The children were very excited to try the lemonade and fairy cakes. They decided to sell each product for 50p each. They knew that they could buy a fairy cake and a lemonade for £1.00 because 2 x 50p = £1.00. 

We worked out our profits by calculating our revenue - expenses. We were thrilled to have made a profit of £35.00 to put towards our Yoto box. Thank you to our community for your support!


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