
Showing posts from July, 2023


  Friday 21 st July 2023                                                                                               D&T: Push and Pull Mechanisms Designing and Making To complete our last Design and Technology topic for the year, over the last few days we have been looking at mechanisms. We did lots of experimentation with different mechanisms to help us decide which ones we were going to use for our final designs.   Some of us opted for lever mechanisms for our cards whereas others had created linkage o...


 Friday 21st July 2023  Football! This morning, the some of the Giraffes, Tigers and Leopards participated in a football tournament. They showed lots of determination, amazing sportsmanship of course wonderful skills. A delightful performance today from all involved!  We were having way too much fun on the pitch to remember to take any photographs of the game!


 Thursday 6th July 2023 Butterflies! It's the news everybody has been waiting for....the Tiger's butterflies have finally arrived!  After a few days, we decided to release them on to our school field so they can fly away and enjoy some sunshine. 

Collecting Data!

  Thursday 6th July 2023   Collecting Data Today, the Tigers and Bears went on a mission to find out what animals live in our school forest. We searched for beetles, butterflies, caterpillars and many other marvelous creatures.  We collected our data in a tally chart, ready to record next week.