The History Van 👑🚐📝

Today, the Tigers have had a brilliant morning completing a toy workshop with the help of Kathryn from the History Van. 

We have brought together our knowledge of Childhood from the autumn term and started to connect this to our new ‘School Days’ topic. Firstly, we looked at songs that children sang many years ago-with many we still sing today. Next we tried and tested many games that Victorian children played in their playground including skittles, hoops, horseshoes and bridges. Then we took a trip to our Victorian toy shop. Each child had one Victorian penny to spend on a toy before testing these out together. After that, as we know the best toy inventors after all are children, we created our very own toys using items that would be found in a Victorian household. We had many creative ideas from aero planes, to dolls, to building blocks! A big thank you indeed to Kathryn from the History Van for a wonderful fun-filled toy experience into what it was like to be a Victorian child. 


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