Today we have had our third session with the babbling Vagabonds 🎭! The children made their houses out of paper to create a paper village to tell our own stories about.
Y1 and Y2 have been learning about the Christian Creation story this half term. This week, they worked in teams to represent each part of the story. The children have been exploring what this story means to Christians, reminding them about what God is like, and feeling grateful for the wonders of the world we live in. We thought about how this story might inspire people to be creative, or to care for the Earth and its creatures, or to study the world in order to understand it better. Many Christians see the story as a poem. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth. (Genesis 1:1) In the beginning there was no earth or sky or sea or animals. And then God spoke in the darkness: "Let there be light!" And right away there was light, scattering the darkness and showing the infinite space. "That's good!" said God. "From now on, when it's dark it will be 'night' and when it's light, it will be 'day'." The evening c...
Welcome to Summer 2! Wow! Doesn't time fly? We are now in our final half term of this school year. The new home-learning timetable is up. Don't forget to email me with any updates or questions. I've missed you all so much during this unusual time but it's been wonderful to speak with you and your families and know that you're all getting on so well. It's been brilliant to see snippets of what a couple of you have been up to over half term. Feel free to send me more photos as you know how much I love to see them. Layla Look at these wonderful drawings that Layla has been doing. It also looks like they had a very fun camp-out! Isabella I love that Isabella writes about what she's been up to. It's great to write with a purpose. Have a great day! Mrs C
The Tigers have had a fabulous day at Sudbury Hall in Ashbourne! We found it what it was like to be a Victorian school child in the Victorian classroom, including having a go at real Victorian lessons. After lunch, we investigated and explored the museum of childhood. The children even got to test our life as a chimney sweep!
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