
Showing posts from June, 2024

Victorian Classroom Role Play ✏️πŸ‘©πŸ»‍🏫

On Thursday the Tigers role played a Victorian Classroom. We completed a Victorian handwriting lesson, English lesson and art lesson that involved life drawing and we all made our very own dunce caps!  The Tigers have decided that they would much rather be in our classroom but it was rather funny to see Miss Harper dressed up as a Victorian! 

Babbling Vagabonds 🎭Paper Village 🏑

    Today we have had our third session with the babbling Vagabonds 🎭! The children made their houses out of paper to create a paper village to tell our own stories about. 

Life as a Victorian- Class Investigation πŸ”¬

Today the Tigers have been investigating,  using sources such as the laptops and books, what it would like to be a poor or a rich person in Victorian times. We split into two groups to gather facts and findings before sharing with the class.